Why Are the Prices So High?The price of QUALITY purebred dogs is a bit high these days. Many people want to know why. For the reputable breeders who care about the breed they are breeding and are working hard to provide quality dogs, both physically and mentally, that will be an asset to the breed, there is a LOT that the breeder puts into their program before a puppy is even born!! The puppy costs themselves are minimal, unless a c-section was needed (add $600 to $1500 for that). Showing to Strive for QualityI believe showing dogs is important for the very reason the shows were invented in the first place: to find the best possible specimens for breeding. I show my dogs to make sure I know what the top dogs are, what their qualities are, and to strive to meet or exceed those standards. There are fads that come and go in the show ring and I am not talking about that, and I am very against breeding to dogs that win ONLY because they win. A good breeding program still must have the knowledge of correct canine structure and locomotion (movement), what correct "type" is for that breed, a thorough understanding of the breed standard for that breed, etc. However, I feel it is very hard to breed outstanding dogs of a certain breed without measuring your dogs against others -- it is simply too easy to become isolated and out of touch with what is important for that breed. But I Only Want Pet QualityPet quality puppies from "show lines" are usually a better cut above ones who aren't simply because they are bred with the goal in mind of creating the highest quality possible. Breeders who only breed "for pets" have their goals set much lower. Costs of a Good Breeding ProgramHere are some of the things that go into creating and maintaining a breeding program of lovely dogs that are great representatives of their breed, are healthy and have good temperaments:
TOTALSWITHOUT a C-section, a conservative estimate assuming only 2 show dogs were purchased and turned out (HIGHLY UNLIKELY), a litter of 3 puppies costs the breeder: $8,340.00 (with spay/neuter, microchip and Rabies). THIS IS $2,780 PER PUPPY!! To be quite honest, HeartDreams and most breeders have actually paid a LOT more (most of us would much rather NOT look at the actual figures!). The cost of the hotels or RV were not added to the show costs, several dogs purchased did not turn out good enough quality to breed, etc. And so now you know, Why the Prices Are So High :-). |